Bibliografia di Giuseppe PellegriniVolumiPELLEGRINI G. (2008, a cura di), Techno-scientific Innovation: responsibilities and new forms of democracy, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro). Condividi questo post Condividi su FacebookCondividi su Facebook Share on XCondividi su X Pin itCondividi su Pinterest Condividi su LinkedInCondividi su LinkedIn Condividi su WhatsAppCondividi su WhatsApp Naviga tra i postPrecedentePost precedente:Cibi più nutrienti e meglio conservatiSuccessivoProssimo post:Le paure degli italiani nel piattoRelated ArticlesScienza Tecnologia e Società: il magazineFebbraio 3, 2025Scienze per il domani, di Giuseppe Pellegrini e Federica ZanardiOttobre 9, 2024Disponibile il libro “How Citizens View Science Communication”Marzo 11, 2024University central offices are moving away from doing towards facilitating science communication: A European cross-comparisonOttobre 10, 2023The Communication Function of Universities: Is There a Place for Science Communication?Luglio 11, 2023SARS-CoV-2 and Companion Animals: Sources of Information and Communication Campaign during the COVID-19 Pandemic in ItalyLuglio 5, 2023Acceptance of evolution by high school students: Is religion the key factor?Dicembre 13, 2022Should I trust or should I go? How people perceive and assess the quality of science communication to avoid fake newsNovembre 29, 2022
University central offices are moving away from doing towards facilitating science communication: A European cross-comparisonOttobre 10, 2023
The Communication Function of Universities: Is There a Place for Science Communication?Luglio 11, 2023
SARS-CoV-2 and Companion Animals: Sources of Information and Communication Campaign during the COVID-19 Pandemic in ItalyLuglio 5, 2023
Should I trust or should I go? How people perceive and assess the quality of science communication to avoid fake newsNovembre 29, 2022