Bibliografia di Giuseppe PellegriniPellegrini, G. (2019). “L’orizzonte del nuovo Programma Quadro per la ricerca“, in Quaderni di Articolo 33, 5, pp. 43-55. Condividi questo post Condividi su FacebookCondividi su Facebook Share on XCondividi su X Pin itCondividi su Pinterest Condividi su LinkedInCondividi su LinkedIn Condividi su WhatsAppCondividi su WhatsApp Naviga tra i postPrecedentePost precedente:Il pubblico dei musei: tra partecipazione e aspettativeSuccessivoProssimo post:Comunicare la ricerca sulle biobanche, di L. Beltrame, L. Martinelli, I. AmpolliniRelated ArticlesScienze per il domani, di Giuseppe Pellegrini e Federica ZanardiOttobre 9, 2024University central offices are moving away from doing towards facilitating science communication: A European cross-comparisonOttobre 10, 2023The Communication Function of Universities: Is There a Place for Science Communication?Luglio 11, 2023SARS-CoV-2 and Companion Animals: Sources of Information and Communication Campaign during the COVID-19 Pandemic in ItalyLuglio 5, 2023Acceptance of evolution by high school students: Is religion the key factor?Dicembre 13, 2022Should I trust or should I go? How people perceive and assess the quality of science communication to avoid fake newsNovembre 29, 2022Climate change and public perception. Citizens’ proposals for better communication and involvementNovembre 29, 2022Dimensions of trust in different forms of science communication: the role of information sources and channels used to acquire science knowledgeNovembre 29, 2022
University central offices are moving away from doing towards facilitating science communication: A European cross-comparisonOttobre 10, 2023
The Communication Function of Universities: Is There a Place for Science Communication?Luglio 11, 2023
SARS-CoV-2 and Companion Animals: Sources of Information and Communication Campaign during the COVID-19 Pandemic in ItalyLuglio 5, 2023
Should I trust or should I go? How people perceive and assess the quality of science communication to avoid fake newsNovembre 29, 2022
Climate change and public perception. Citizens’ proposals for better communication and involvementNovembre 29, 2022
Dimensions of trust in different forms of science communication: the role of information sources and channels used to acquire science knowledgeNovembre 29, 2022