Mariachiara Tallacchini teaches Philosophy of Law at the Law Faculty of the Catholic University of Piacenza and Bioethics, Biotechnology and Law at the Faculty of Biotechnology of the State University of Milan. She collaborates with the Faculty of Medicine and the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Milan on legal problems related to tissue engineering and the use of laboratory and transgenic animals. She also collaborates with WHO on the topic of environmental health. In 2000/2001 she has been a fellow at the Kennedy School of Government (Harvard University), in the programme “Reframing Rights: Constitutional Implications of Technological Change” (Prof. Sheila Jasanoff), and she is working on informed consent and public participation to xenotransplantation. Her main interests focus now on the relationships between science and law. She is author and/or editor (or co-editor) of several books on the environment, on biotechnology, and the law: Diritto per la natura, Giappichelli, Torino 1996 (Law for Nature); Biotecnologie e consenso informato, Politeia, Milano 1999 (Biotechnology and Informed Consent); Politica della scienza e diritto: il rapporto tra istituzioni, esperti e pubblico nelle biotecnologie, Politeia, Milano 2001 (Policy of Science Law); “Ethics and Genetics. A Workbook for Practitioners and Students”, Berghahn Books, Oxford-New York 2003 (with G. de Wert, R. ter Meulen, R. Mordacci) Le biotecnologie. Aspetti etici, sociali e ambientali, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2004 (Biotechnology: ethical, social and environmental aspects; with . F. Terragni).