Between the 2nd and the 7th of July 2010, Torino hosts the fourth edition of ESOF – Euroscience Open Forum, a biennial international meeting dedicated to scientific research and technological innovation. 460 speakers from 42 different countries will discuss the 10 themes of this edition.
Observa – Science in Society is one of the scientific partners and will be present at ESOF at stand n°14 Pavilion 5 in the Lingotto Exhibition Centre (view the map).
Observa will also contribute to reflection and to debate on the relationship between science, technology and society through the game “Who Wants to Be a Scientist (in Society)?”. Visitors can try out themselves by answering questions on science and society, with the help of several virtual experts. The winners will be announced “Scientists in Society” and will receive a bonus gift.
Among the scheduled meetings:
• 3 July, 9.00-10.15 a.m., Room 9 Informing and Engaging Citizens on Climate Change Issues. Speakers: Bruna Valettini (Acquario di Genova), Giuseppe Pellegrini (Observa – Science in Society), Walter Staveloz (Association of Science-Technology Centers – ASTC);
• 5 July, 9.00-10.15 a.m., Room 3 Scientific Cultures across Europe: Similarities and Differences. Speakers: Brian Trench (Dublin City University and Observa Scientific Committee), Martin Bauer (London School of Economics and Observa Scientific Committee), Massimiano Bucchi (University of Trento and Observa Scientific Committee), Esa Valiverronen (University of Helsinki);
• 5 July, 1.00-2.00 p.m., Pizza with the prof with Sam Auinger (composer), Angelika Brandt (Zoological Museum, Hamburg), Massimiano Bucchi (University of Trento and Observa Scientific Committee), Tecumseh Fitch (University of Vienna), Felicitas Pauss (CERN), Nancy Van Osselaer (Johnson & Johnson, Belgio), Anton Zeilinger (University of Vienna), Max Craglia (Spatial Data Infrastructures Unit, Joint Research Center and European Commission, EU);
• 6 July, 2.15-5.00 p.m., Room 2 What are the Challenges to a Democratic Participation in Scientific Progress? Speakers: Giuseppe Testa (European Institute of Oncology, Europoean School of Molecular Medicine and Observa Scientific Committee), Giovanni Boniolo (Firc Institute of Molecular Oncology and Europoean School of Molecular Medicine), Massimiano Bucchi (University of Trento and Observa Scientific Committee), Herbert Gottweis (Life-Science-Governance Research Platform, University of Vienna), Christine Hauskeller (ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society), Matteo Mameli (King’s College London).
Show the programme
During the meeting the video Piccolo passo o grande sbalzo? Noi e la Tecnologia (Small step or great leap? Technology and Us) will be shown, a Observa production.
For more information visit the ESOF2010 website.