In 2009 research on renewable energy remains the first and foremost priority of Italian citizens in the field of research investments. About one interviewee out of two points out the renewable energy as the research sector to favour. Climate research follows, with a slight decrease compared with the past: all together the two sectors attract almost six out of ten preferences.
Public sensitivity for the energy problem is confirmed by the moderate increasing attention to research investments on nuclear power. After a period of decline, appeal is also regained by biotechnologies and nanotechnologies. Real attention does not seem to correspond to the high media visibility of space research: less than one Italian out of 100 consider it as an investment priority. Generally, citizens’ sensitivity about research is on the increase: investing in this sector (23%) is now deemed more relevant than investing in security (19%). Only health care and education (27%) exceeds research in terms of priority of public expenditure.
The Science in Society Monitor is an initiative led by Observa – Science in Society and supported by Compagnia di San Paolo.
The new data coming from the Science in Society Monitor are published on Nòva 24 – Il Sole 24 Ore August 6 2009.
Download the complete results.
(Translation by Silvia Casini)