The first edition of the initiative “A Regola d’Arte” was greeted by remarkable success, with audiences filling up the beautiful context of Villa Caldogno to listen to dialogues on science and practical knowledge, take part in workshops and cocoa tasting, enjoy music and dance performances.
Scientists, designer, philosophers, authors of comics, musicians, artists and writers were involved in dialogues and performances about Science and Design, Gardening and Love.
Friday, April 16th the evening began with the performance of Compagnia Blu Danza a Regola d’Arte.
DJ night in Villa with Enea DJ.
Saturday 17th in the afternoon, WORKSHOPS A REGOLA D’ARTE offered to children and adults the opportunity to explore the pleasures of ‘well crafting’ things under the guidance of leading masters: Gardening (Pia Pera); Comics (Silver); Biology (Silvia Carnio and Monica Zagallo) and Cork Sculpture (Nadir Bertacche).
The evening GARDENING A REGOLA D’ARTE was introduced by cellos quartet Tetrachordcelloquartet with pieces of ?ajkovskij, Bach, Beatles and Bizet.
Later on the dialogue between Pia Pera, writer and expert of garden and Silver, author of comics and creator of Lupo Alberto.
On Sunday 18th festival ended up with Totalmente, teneramente, tragicamente the most beautiful love scenes of film history, curated by Alberto Brodesco.
The soiree L’AMORE A REGOLA D’ARTE continued with Umberto Curi, historian of philosophy, and Cristina Donà, rock singer.
A Regola d’Arte is an iniziative promoted by Observa – Science in Society and by Comune di Caldogno, with Biblioteca Internazionale La Vigna, Università del Caffè di Trieste, CNA Vicenza e Provincia di Vicenza, Abaco Architettura e Associazione Giovani Architetti Provincia di Vicenza (VAGA), with the contribution of Palladio Industrie Grafiche Cartotecniche e Istituto Regionale Ville Venete and with the collaboration of Librerie Galla, Hotel Vergilius, Tipografie Campisi, Corriere del Veneto, Loison Pasticcieri, AutoTransfer, Falkensteiner Hotel and Resort.
Special thanks to Flavio Albanese, Nadir Bertacche, Anna Buccio, Silvia Carnio, Patrizia Cazzaro, Roberto Cibin, Stefano Corsi, Nicola Crovato, Simone Cuomo, Daniela Doremi, Ottavio Menara, Emanuela Minnai, Francesco Morana, Barbara Motterle, Francesca Ponzecchi, Enea Saccozza, Giuseppe Santonocito, Chiara Segafredo, Cristiano Seganfreddo, Monica Zagallo, Massimo Zancan.