The Italian scenario workshop have been arranged on 23rd October 2012 in Rome, at the CRA institute, to highlight how research programmes can foster healthy and sustainable food innovation in the next twenty years. The workshop was organized through the international project INPROFOOD funded by the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union, DG Research and Innovation.
The scenario workshop is a method that brings participants with different knowledge, perspectives and experiences, who do not usually come together in such a heterogeneous setting, to jointly develop scenarios to name barriers and propose steps and potential strategies for realizing common solutions.
Eighteen delegates from three national categories of stakeholders attended the Italian scenario workshop: public authorities & policy makers, not-for-profit bodies, and business & industry organizations. They were selected through a random selection to avoid arbitrary invitations. (For more information about the random selection procedure, please visit the project website).
After the definition of a possible scenario, three main topics have been taken into consideration referring to the common agenda of the Joint Programming Initiative A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (JPI HDHL). The topics discussed were: food innovation, nutrition and quality of life, food research policies.
This workshop is part of a series of almost identical scenario workshops held in 13 European countries. The report will be broadly disseminated to non-profit organisations, governments and business associations in order to foster reflection and discussion. The results of workshops will meet in a document containing guidelines and suggestions for the development of a sustainable research, to be presented to the European Commission.
Delegates came from the following Italian organizations: Association for Adult Congenital Hearth Disease, Association of Celiac Disease, Catholic University of Sacred Hearth, Center for Development Information and Education, Confederation of Farmers, Federation of Voluntary Associations in Oncology, Free University of Bolzano, Institute for Auxology, Ministry of Agricultural Food and Forestry Policies, Ministry of Health, Movement for the Fight against Hunger, Roma Tre University, “Saverio De Bellis” Hospital, “San Camillo” Hospital, Tuscia University, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, University of Trento, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”.
Many thanks to Patrizia Cazzaro, Giulia Cegalin, Stefano Corsi and Giuseppe Pellegrini (Observa), Luca Simeone (Idis – Città della Scienza), Daniele Meneghetti (Cosmo), Anna Benedetti, Manuela De Pace and Luigi Iafrate (CRA-RPS), Susanne Braun and Klaus Hadwiger (University of Hohenheim), Gene Rowe (Gene Rowe Evaluations).
Some pictures from the workshop: