Which European cities are the most active in research and innovation? And who are the students most proficient in mathematics and sciences? In what country are researchers paid the most? Where are the best university in the World? Are European citizens interested in scientific research? Which business companies invest in R&D the most? Who are the highest energy consumers in the World? How many readers of science periodicals are there in Italy? Who do citizens trust when scientific issues are debated?
With this fourth edition of Science in Society Fact and Figures, published with the cooperation of Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, Observa – Science in Society presents a classified collection of data and information gathered from the most authoritative national and international sources and useful for understanding the present state and ongoing changes of research and innovation in our society: human resources and investments in R&D, patents and use of new technology, public attitudes towards science, a chronology of the main events of the year, books published during the previous year, institutions and web sites relevant for the theme.
This year edition also includes a special section:Italians and Science: the first report on science, technology and public opinion in Italy, an unedited overview of the relationship between italian citizens and the scientific world.
Read a preview of the book.
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